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Legal and Ethical Implications of Wireless Dog Fences
GPS Dog Collar

Legal and Ethical Implications of Wireless Dog Fences

Wireless dog fences have become quite popular among pet owners who want to keep their dogs in a certain area without the need for physical barriers. These GPS or radio frequency enabled systems cre...

GPS Dog CollarHow to Set Up a Wireless Dog Fence System

How to Set Up a Wireless Dog Fence System

To keep your pet under defined boundaries without setting up physical barriers is now possible with the innovation of Wireless Dog Fence systems. Using GPS technology, this system provides flexibil...

GPS Dog CollarWireless Dog Collar Myths & Misconceptions

Wireless Dog Collar Myths & Misconceptions

The all new GPS Wireless Dog Fence systems has been the buzz for their handiness and accuracy in keeping dogs safe. And where there’s talk, there are myths and misconceptions, about these systems, ...

GPS Dog Fence SystemsChecklist for Choosing a Reliable GPS Dog Collar

Checklist for Choosing a Reliable GPS Dog Collar

Dog collars have been there for years but they never played a role in containment and security for the dog. Today, dependable GPS dog collars help with that. It’s a dog collar simply advanced, you ...

GPS Dog CollarCommon Dog Collar App Problems & How to Fix Them

Common Dog Collar App Problems & How to Fix Them

The all new GPS Wireless Dog Fence systems are indeed an invaluable tool for keeping your dog contained for extended periods while ensuring their safety. This innovation is made accessible with a t...

GPS Dog Fence SystemsGPS Dog Collars for Training and Behavior Modification

How GPS Dog Collars Help for Training and Behavior Modification

The evolution of dog collars has been drastic over the years. These collars, initially being recognized as an identity of ownership to being a tool for controlling pets with an attached leash to no...